
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Many Faces of Mojo

A collage of photos from 2011-2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Letter to Readers

Dear Readers,

As you may have noticed, 7.6 Lbs of Awesome has been on an extended hiatus.  In truth, this leave of absence has gone on much longer than I ever intended.  I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that Beaker, Mojo, Murphie Bunn, and Bella the Fail Dove are all alive and well.

Why haven't I posted anything in ages?  Well, the short, simple answer is that I got discouraged.  My last few posts weren't really that well received.  Maybe the format had gotten stale.  Maybe I was the only one who actually found them amusing.  I'm not sure what happened there, but either way, I decided to step away for a month or two.

I never intended for the break to last 8 months, but as John Lennon once said, life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

At any rate, things seem to have settled down a bit and 7.6 Lbs of Awesome is coming back!  I have several new ideas and even a new character to introduce.  ;)  For the first little bit, I'll probably experiment with a few new concepts, and I would love to have your feedback regarding what you like...and what you don't.

Here are some of the things I'm considering:

  • Posting actual photos of the characters to give people who visit the blog without looking at the Facebook page, Twitter, the About Us tab, or the Meet the Critters posts a way to know that the characters and events are real.  The truth element is, in my opinion, part of what makes 7.6 Lbs of Awesome special and unique.
  • Creating shorter, more concise stories (as opposed to the 16-17 frame behemoths I was churning out for a while there) to help keep things fun and fresh.  
  • Giving the animals 'voices' to make it easier to follow the stories and relate to the characters.  
  • Creating an eBook series for children.  I think the overall artistic style of 7.6 Lbs of Awesome lends itself well to that medium.  
  • Adding a store and donating proceeds to an animal rescue organization at the end of every year. Products would include things like mugs, t-shirts, calendars, etc., that feature the characters of 7.6 Lbs of Awesome.

What are your thoughts on some of these ideas?  Thumbs up?  Thumbs down?  Let me know what you think!  What would YOU like to see?


aka 'Mama'

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