
Monday, August 8, 2011

Beaker and the Unacceptable Nom

Normally, Beaker is very grateful and appreciative of treats.  There are times, though, that she is offered something that falls short of her expectations.  The result is seldom pretty. 


  1. Love the addition of the 'fail dove' at the end!!

  2. @Char: Silliest, clumsiest bird EVER. We love him. :)

    @Cousin Pat: I'll see what I can do about taking one. I agree--videos are needed. :)

  3. THIS IS HILARIOUS! I think you're the first person I've ever known to have one of my mother's silkie's as a house pet! You are a great editor too by the way!

  4. @Regina: Thanks so much! I'm so glad you liked it. We love our little Beaker VERY much. She's the perfect pet...even if she IS a little spoiled. ;) Please give your mother a hug from Beaker and 'Mama' next time you see her. Thanks for reading!

  5. Margaret Roddy via FacebookAugust 24, 2011 at 3:34 PM

    ROTFLMBO!!!! Hilarious! Scary Beaker!
    Favorite part is Beaker running down the hallway
    Sooooooo cute!


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