
Monday, December 31, 2012

Over the River and Through the Woods

Every year, Mama takes Beaker and Jo to Grandma's house for Christmas to visit with their cousin, Gidget, a little Jack Russell terrier. 

Dadda usually comes, too, but this year, he went to visit his family instead.  Mama's new job gives her more time off, so we had a much longer visit this year. Here are some pictures and a recap of our holiday trip to Grandma's house:

December 22, 2012:  Bye-Bye, Dadda!

Dadda got on a plane and flew halfway across the country to spend some time with his family for the holidays.  It made Jo very sad, so Mama gave him an early Christmas present to cheer him up.

It was a little stuffed dog that barks "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".  Jo loved it, but Mama decided pretty quickly that it would not be coming with us on the 5 hour drive to Grandma's house.  One cranky, bratty chicken would be loud enough.  We decided we should take a much quieter corduroy monkey with us instead. 

December 23, 2012:  What is Mama Doing?!

Mama spent the day cleaning, packing, and finalizing arrangements for everyone who wasn't able to travel to Grandma's house this year.  Jo wasn't quite sure what to make of it.  Beaker was displeased.  

December 24, 2012:  The Journey Begins

Mama woke up that morning and packed some of their things in the car.  She planned to leave early, but the trip was slightly delayed because Beaker needed to lay an egg.  Shortly before lunch, once Beaker was finished, Mama put Beaker and Jo in their beds in the back seat, and began the 5 hour drive to Grandma's house. 

Jo likes the car and travels well.  He only had to stop to potty once, and he was smart enough to scratch on the car door to let Mama know.  He spent the first half of the ride looking out the window, and he settled into his bed to relax for the second half of the trip.

Thankfully, Beaker slept most of the way and only fussed for the last two hours of the drive.  

We finally arrived and Grandma and Gidget's house, and after a round of joyous greetings, we settled in for a nice long visit.  Beaker fell asleep early, but Little Jo didn't sleep a wink.  There were too many new smells to explore...and Grandma was up late that night cooking a turkey in the kitchen.  Who could sleep at a time like that?!

December 25, 2012:  Merry Christmas!

On Christmas morning, Mama dressed Jo up as Santa!  

After not sleeping the night before, though, Little Jo was pretty tired and passed out on the couch on Christmas morning.  

After Jo took a little nap, it was time for Jo and Gidget to open presents!  The 'cookies' Mama gave them were a big hit.

Cousin Gidget liked the gingerbread man the best.

They each got crunchy rawhide treats, which were also shaped like gingerbread men.

Jo was especially happy about his!

Jo loved all of his new Christmas toys.  He gathered them up and hoarded them on top of the couch for the rest of the day (and the whole rest of the visit.)

Beaker got a new fleece blanket for Christmas.  She's quite fond of it.  

After all of the presents were unwrapped, some very sleepy puppies curled up with their new gifts for some much needed naps.

December 26, 2012:  A Cranky Chicken and a Case of The Grumps

On the morning after Christmas, Beaker got up, had breakfast, and then proceeded to walk around the house and yell at everyone.  

She needed to lay an egg, she needed to do it now, and she was NOT happy about it.  She was in an unfamiliar place, she couldn't find her usual spot, and she didn't feel comfortable laying an egg just anywhere!  

Mama put her in her bed.  Beaker threw a tantrum.

She tried to get under the tree, but there wasn't enough room.  Beaker threw a tantrum.

She walked down the hallway and took a left, just like she does back at Mama's house, but instead of her usual spot, she found a dog crate.  She walked inside the crate, laid down, and decided it simply would not do.  

Beaker threw a tantrum.

Ultimately, she decided that her bed really WAS the best place.  Finally, she laid her egg, and all was right with the world...  

...for a time.

Beaker's issue may have been resolved, but Little Jo also had a bad case of The Grumps that day.  

He didn't know where Dadda was, and he was upset about it.  He missed his friends.  He hadn't gotten nearly enough sleep since they'd arrived at Grandma's house.  He had reached the end of his little rope.  He had had enough...and he was one grumpy little boy because of it.

He growled at Grandma's kitty and chased her.  He tried to steal Gidget's crunchy gingerbread man rawhide treat, and they got into a fight over it.  He even snapped at his Aunt's great big boxer mix, Fiona.  

Little Jo was all out of sorts.  Mama had never seen Jo behave in such a fashion and put him to bed early that night.  

December 27, 2012:  A Peaceful, Quiet Day

Mama went out shopping with Grandma and left Beaker and Jo at the house with Cousin Gidget.  Beaker enjoyed a peaceful day snuggling with her new blanket.  

Jo hung out with Gidget, who still hadn't quite forgiven him for trying to steal her crunchy rawhide gingerbread man.

December 28th:  The Cranky Chicken Strikes Again

Beaker got up, ate breakfast, and walked around the house yelling at everyone.

Then she laid another egg.

December 29, 2012:  The Last Day at Grandma's House

We had a relaxing day and enjoyed the last part of our visit with Grandma and Gidget.  Jo chased Grandma's cat again. 

Dadda returned home.  He and all of our friends will be there waiting for us when we drive back tomorrow!  

December 30, 2012:  The Journey Ends

Beaker got up, ate breakfast, and walked around the house yelling at everyone.

Then she laid another egg.

When Beaker was finished, Mama packed the car, they said their goodbyes to Gidget and Grandma, and they began the five hour drive back home.

Beaker was not happy about it and was a little brat for the whole drive home.

First, she started yelling--not the typical cranky fussing, mind you, but the full-fledged "BAH-GAWK-bock-bock-bock-bock-BAH-GAWK!!!" cry of loudly as she possibly could.  

This continued for a good 30 minutes, until she eventually got hoarse and stopped.

Next, she bullied Jo right out of his bed and chased him into the front seat.  She then moved to the middle of the back seat and claimed the whole thing for herself.  She would not allow Jo to come back there at all.

There was nothing Mama could do about it while we were driving 75 mph on the interstate, so she and Jo shared the front seat and made the best of it.  

Jo recognized their neighborhood as soon as they pulled into it.  Much to Beaker's dismay, he started jumping all over the car and falling all over himself in pure excitement.  By the time they pulled into their driveway, he was ready to burst.  Mama let him out of the car, and he ran to the house as fast as he could, overjoyed to be reunited with Dadda and all of his friends.  

Mama unpacked the car and carried Beaker into the house.  She fussed for the rest of the night.  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Beaker, Jo, and All the Rest of Us!  


  1. Oh dear, somehow we missed this postie before! What fun you had at your Christmas-time! We love reading about Mr. Jo and Miss Beaker and everyone! What do you do with Miss Beaker's eggies? She seems to make lots of them!

    We have given you an award! Check out my bloggie to see!



  2. Awww, thank you for the lovely award, Little Miss Jackie! It was very kind of you to think of us. :)

    As far as Beaker's eggs are concerned, we save them and use them if we know they're fresh when we find them. Sometimes she hides them from us, though!

    She lays about 3 eggs a week every third month, so around 4 dozen a year. Silkies aren't heavy egg producers as chickens go. Beaker will lay for a month, brood for a month, and then take a month off. Her cycle is as regular as clockwork. :)


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